"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me with what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hailey Grace's Stats

No birthday is complete with out a check up from our favorite Pediatrician, Dr. Porter. I can not tell you how much we love this lady and how much she loves her kids. AND the mommas! :) There is no one I trust more than her when it comes to my little bundle of joy. If you are in the Texarkana area and need a doctor, I HIGHLY recommend her.
When we first started going, Hailey Grace would throw one heck of a fit. I was told that is typical behavior but it still drove me nuts. I mean really, my kid throwing a massive fit at the doctor can't be the norm right? I didn't hear all the other kids screaming and yelling. I didn't see all the other moms uptight because their kid won't quit screaming. There were times I just wanted to cry or make Mia take her in. Maybe they were just telling me that to ease my nerves. Since then, we have come a long way. We will pass by the building and Hailey Grace cries because she wants to see Dr Porter and mean mommy won't let her. She loves giving Dr. Porter hugs and really likes the suckers. During the 8 months we have spent in Texarkana, we have visited them frequently thanks to Hailey's little school. It is really true what you hear, your child will suffer from the day care funk for a while. We've had our fair share of belly bugs, head colds and ear infections. We had them to the point that I was going to yank Hailey out and not allow her to leave the house. EVER. Luckily, I listened to her wonderful Dr and kept her in the school program and putting in tubes. Besides a 10 day stomach virus, we have been well since Mid May. May ya hear? That is awesome! It took roughly four months for her immune system to build up and fight off all those yucky germs.
So much changes in a few short weeks in growing toddlers. I remember being so excited for the first roll over, first smile, first laugh, etc. Oh how I wish I had bundled all those up and kept them near. Hailey Grace isn't that chunky hilarious kid anymore who was always making sounds and funny faces. Well hilarious maybe but chunky no. She is rather tall, prissy and beautiful. People stop us just to talk and look at her. Of course she eats it up when they do. Oh how lucky we are that God gave her to us.

Weight: 28 lbs 6 oz 70 %
Height 35 inches 80%
Head 18 3/4 inches 60%

BIG changes since last year. Remained about the same percentage on height, down on weight and up a lot on head. I'm sure it will change again at her 3 year check up.
What is Hailey Grace up to? EVERYTHING would be the best answer! She is a busy little bee that likes to go non-stop. I don't think there is a word she can't or hasn't said. Or that she won't repeat so watch it. She carries on conversations that are hard to believe for a two year old. She wants to know why "Boots doesn't behave" and "why Hailey Grace is so hot outside" and "I need money daddy/mommy". These are things I thought I would be tackling closer to 4. She loves to sing (ABC's, Dora, Twinkle, Isty Bitsy, Mary had a little lamb and Old Mc Donald are favs) and is currently learning Jesus Loves Me. She can count to 10 in English and to 3 in Spanish but will repeat all the way to 10. The colors still trick her but she has mastered blue, pink and green. She loves pink. Did I tell you what a girly girl she is? She would eat chicken or pizza every meal. She doesn't really like fruit except for strawberries, blueberries and grapes. Veggies are no longer a favorite either. She eats tomatoes, green bean and avocados but that is about it. I will puree broccoli and peas and put it in her mac n cheese or chicken and rice and she never knows. She loves chocolate and icing but gets very little of it. Next up is potty training once moved. She does REALLY well with it without a diaper or panties on. Not sure if we'll ever make the over night thing.

1 comment:

S.I.F. said...

She is absolutely adorable!! And I am cracking up at mean mommy not letting her go to the doctor! :)